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- ; have you ever heared of 'libraries' ? good ! Libraries contain
- ; many interesting subroutines that can take a lot of work out of
- ; our hands. Amiga has several libraries, one for graphics, one
- ; for disk, one for workbench... The only problem is, that the
- ; routines are in most cases very SLOW. That is so because AMiga is
- ; a very complex computer, and these routines are written in a way
- ; that they keep everything in mind, for example it's possible that
- ; 2 programs are using disk, so the routines must count with this
- ; possibility. It must for example wait for one routine to be
- ; finished before it can start itself, etc etc...
- ; In DEMOS, we ofcourse want to do much things at one time, and
- ; preferably as FAST as posible, (try to put 200 bobs on a screen,
- ; you'll know what I mean) So we will reduce the use of libraries
- ; to a MINIMUM !!
- ; For some purposes, libraries can be very interesting, though.
- ; That's why I'll tell you how to use them...
- ; Now, first good question: where are these libraries ?
- ; The computer knows where they are, but you can only find out by
- ; calling a routine called 'openlibrary', which is in a LIBRARY.
- ; Well, again, where is this library ??????
- ; (seems like we're getting nowhere this way)
- ;
- ; Here's the solution: the longword stored at address $4 (the 2nd
- ; longword of the memory) is the start of the 'EXEC LIBRARY'
- ; so with a 'MOVE.L $4,a6' you can get the starting address of
- ; this library. (not MOVE.L #$4,a6 !!!)
- ; In other words, you don't need the routine Openlibrary to open the
- ; execlibrary. EXECLIBRARY is therefor the 'most basical' library,
- ; with the most important routines.
- ; The other libraries must be opened using a function in the execlib
- ; The list with available routines is among the copies...
- ; All routines have a relative address: start location of library +
- ; offset. These offsets are for some unknown reason negative,
- ; (which means that the 'start location' is in fact the endlocation)
- ; Anyway, the function 'OPENLIBRARY' has offset -408, which means
- ; that if you move the starting location to A6 (with MOVE.L $4,A6)
- ; you must do a 'JSR -408(a6)' to execute the routine OPENLIBRARY.
- ; The communication between you and libraries is done through the
- ; REGISTERS (D0-D7 & A0-A6)
- ; Each routine has it's own input- and output registers. In the
- ; example of the openlibrary routine, you must tell the routine
- ; which library you wanna open and he will tell you where it is.
- ; If the libary you wanna open is called "graphics.library", the
- ; way to open it is :
- ;
- start: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
- move.l $4,a6 ; get the start of the execlib in a6
- clr.l d0
- move.l #libname,a1 ; a1 is the register through which
- ; you tell the routine which library
- ; you wish to open.
- ; Libname is a label at which we
- ; have stored the name. A1 now
- ; contains the address of this label
- jsr -408(a6) ; execute the routine
- move.l d0,gfxbase ; in D0 is the result of the routine:
- ; the start of the library. If D0 is
- ; 0, the library couldn't be opened.
- *************************
- ; the library is now opened, in other words, we know where the start
- ; location of the GFXlibrary is. If we move this startinglocation to
- ; an addresregister, like A6, we can use the routines in the gfx-
- ; library, just like we called the 'openlibrary' routine. DOn't forget
- ; to tell the computer that you are about to use a routine in the GFX
- ; lib,so get this one's starting adress ready in a6:
- ; move.l gfxbase,a6
- ; jsr -xx(a6)
- ; At the end of the program, we have to close the opened libraries
- ; again (except the execlib) The 'CloseLibrary' routine is at offset
- ; -414 from the EXEClibrary.
- ; Now we must put the starting location of the previously opened
- ; library in A0 to tell the routine which library to close. In our
- ; example, we have put this value in 'gfxbase':
- move.l gfxbase,a1 ; move CONTENTS of gfxbase to a1
- ; this is the start of the library,
- ; the one we saved earlier.
- move.l $4,a6 ; we use the EXEC lib !!!
- jsr -414(a6) ; the closelib-routine
- movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
- rts ; exit this program
- *************************
- gfxbase: dc.l 0 ; we reserve 1 longword to store
- ; the starting location of the
- ; graphicslibrary. after execution of
- ; the source, type '@hgfxbase'. The first
- ; 4 bytes that will be displayed, are
- ; the contents of this longword.
- libname: dc.b "graphics.library",0
- even
- ; this is the name of the library.
- ; The last byte is 0 as 'end-of-
- ; string' marker.